Villa Dubrovnik

The 5 Best Solar-Powered Luxury Hotels in Europe


Sustainability doesn’t only exist on what you wear, eat, or on our lifestyle. Your Summer vacation also can be sustainable with your choice of hotels. Read the article to find out the most sustainable hotels with solar power.

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Although we need more attention and consciousness, Sustainability is now in every aspect of our lives and industries, and tourism is not the exception. As global awareness regarding the environmental effects of tourism increases, tourists are looking for more responsible and eco-friendly accommodations. Sustainable travel is one of the newest trends in the tourism industry, and it is expected to grow a lot more. Following the trend, hotels in Europe are applying sustainable practices and offer the tourists a greener experience. But they aren’t only green, but also cozy and luxurious.



The Villa Dubrovnik is one of the most luxurious 5-star hotels in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Only a 15-minute walk away from Dubrovnik’s Old Town, this hotel offers a beach, 2 restaurants, a beautiful lounge, and a classy spa and sauna center. But they never let it sacrifice sustainability. One of the hotel’s biggest goals is to reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption every year. In order to achieve the goal, they only purchase “Class A” energy efficient equipment, use LED lighting throughout the whole building that is energy efficient, and use solar panels as their main source of energy. They even grow vegetables and herbs organically in their own garden for use in their restaurant and bar menu. Trees and Plants are all low-water-consume plants.

Cervo Mountain Resort
© Cervo Mountain Resort


If you want to be closer to nature, or be with nature, CERVO Mountain Resort in Switzerland is the right choice for you. This casual-luxury resort gives you the unforgettable moment of having breakfast watching the breathtaking view of Matterhorn of Alps. After going on a hike to the top of the mountains or skiing in the best snow in the world, the hotel offers you the warm and comfortable spa, hot stone bath, and Northern European sauna with an amazing cocktail or coffee. Don’t forget, the hotel is powered by geothermal and solar energy!



Lefay Resort & Spa Lago di Garda in Italy is for tourists who want to relax in the water with a great view for “healing”. This 4,300 square-meter sized temple of wellness offers a massive and luxurious spa, modern and minimalistic sauna and pool, and various healthcare facilities and services. However, the great location and the quality of service and room is not the only reason we love this hotel. The resort uses sustainable sources such as biomass, micro-turbine CHP plant, natural gas-boiler, and solar panels. Also Rainwater and water emptied from swimming pools are collected to irrigate their gardens.

© Svart Hotel


Looking for something special, unique, and one and only experience on your trip? Head to Norway and find Six Senses Svart Hotel, this will be the perfect place for you. This amazing hotel located just above the arctic circle, gives us unforgettable memories with stunning landscape views, astonishing design of the building and rooms, and various activities such as hiking, ice climbing, night fishing, and Aurora Borealis. Svart Hotel is also the world’s first energy-positive hotel. Not only do they aim to reduce the energy consumption by 85% compared to modern hotels, they also source the energy from solar panels. They also focus on natural insulation which can reduce the use of heating, and they offer zero-waste dining with ingredients that are grown and harvested locally.



You don’t always have to be in the middle of parties and clubs in Ibiza. In the hills of Ibiza, there is a hotel Cas Gasi that offers you the tranquil moment with your family or friends. This luxury boutique hotel focuses on the intimate relationship with nature and the natural balance. The rooms are surrounded by pine forests, orange and olive groves, almond, fig and carob trees plus organic vegetable plots. With locally and organically sourced sustainable cuisine such as organic vegetable gardens and free-range eggs and meats, they also offer sustainable use of the various resources, such as solar heating panels and sand-filtered water. Also The swimming pools are cleaned with special salt components and process, which is completely natural without giving any negative effects to the environment.


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© Villa Dubrovnik

+ Words:
Yoochan Si
Luxiders Magazine



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