7 Best Organic And Sustainable Wines and Wineries
After a tough day at work, a glass of wine with your loved ones is a small joy of our life. But do you know what you drink, how they are made and where they are from? How about we become a little more ethical in this small pleasure?
It is not a secret anymore that sustainability in cuisine is the rising trend of 2023, and wine is a part of this wave. In recent years, the wine industry has gone through a huge change towards sustainability, and each winery is studying how to create the most organic and ethical wines, keeping the great taste and scent. When exploring the sustainability in wine, it is important to know how the grapes are grown, how the wine is made in wineries, and how it is distributed. In this article, we introduce 7 Best affordable natural wines from organic vineyards you should know.
Silver Oak
As “California’s Most Eco-Conscious Winery”, Silver Oak is a wine brand that is dedicated to sustainability. As a family-owned, multi-generational winery, their vineyards are fully focused on environmental stewardship and social responsibility. Their wineries in Napa Valley and Alexander Valley are LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Platinum Certified, which is the world’s first wineries that achieved this certification.
Inman Family
Since the brand was Founded in 2010 in California, Inman Family committed to using regenerative farming practices and organic techniques to create the best and most sustainable wine. In order to control the pest naturally, they put homes and resting places throughout the vineyards for predators such as birds that help to reduce gopher populations that attack vines beneath the soil. Plus, all of their facilities are 100% run by solar-power panels!

Familia Torres
Familia Torres is a Spanish winery that believes in both environmental and social sustainability. They move towards being more responsible with its Torres & Earth environmental program to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. With this program, they reduced CO2 emissions per bottle by 36% from 2008 to 2022. The solar-powered winery also appreciates winegrowers, suppliers, and distributors through fair trade and great working conditions.
Santa Julia
Santa Julia is a winery that ethically produces wine in Argentina. The compost of the farm is made up of fully organic substances such as grape pips and skins, animal dung from neighboring farms, and by-products of olives. In order to keep the fertility of the soil, they only use green and organic fertilizers. They also reuse the industrial water waste for irrigation after purifying it.
Usual Wine
Usual Wine is well-known for its unique shape of bottle, but it is not everything about them. Their farms are sustainably managed in California, US, with minimal intervention to grow grapes and make wines in a “usual” way. They never added any artificials and chemicals in their wine, which means they never added sugar, flavoring, concentrate, and colorants in their wine, and their bottles can be easily recycled with different purposes.
Since 1998, this vineyard from Chile has switched from conventional agriculture to an integrated vineyard management system that flavors the use of organic methods and alternatives to fertilize the soil and to control pests in a sustainable way. Promoting biodiversity is their mission in order to keep harmony with nature while creating the best quality grapes. Conosur is certified by numerous organizations, which proves that they are dedicated to eco-friendly agriculture.
Avaline is a wine brand that is raising the importance of transparency in wine. Including the great traceability and transparency in their labels, they work with wineries all over the world that prioritize sustainability and rely on nature to grow their grapes organically. On their website, they show the whole list of their producers, and how they are dedicated to sustainability. For example, one of their producers EthicDrinks uses recyclable packaging and sustainable transportation methods, and plants forests throughout France to offset their carbon footprint.

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© Anton Mislawsky via Unsplash
Yoochan Si
Luxiders Magazine