Actors Set Examples For Sustainability And Fairness In The Film Industry



The Green Actors Lounge, celebrated last week at Haus Ungarn Berlin, offered interesting expert panels, workshops & get-togethers on current topics as sustainable lifestyle, green film production as well as fair coexistence. Luxiders Magazine, media partner of the event, interviews some of the actors at the event to better understand the current problems of the film industry and posible solutions in terms of sustainability, diversity and inclusion. 

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Well-known personalities from the German film industry such as Oliver Masucci, Jasmin Tabatabai, Volker Schlöndorff, Ursula Karven, Timur Bartels, Gesine Cukrowski, Ralf Bauer, Düzen Tekkal, Minu Barati, Jasna Fritzi Bauer and many others discussed topics such as green shooting, the use of artificial intelligence & avatars, social engagement, inclusion, mental health or diversity. Many ambassadors supported the Green Actors Lounge, such as: Nico Hofmann, Oliver Berben, Tanja Ziegler, Andrea Gerhard, Hardy Krüger, Luise Befort, Lenn Kudrjawizki, Samuel Koch, Steve Windolf, Stefan Jürgens or Valerie Huber.

Is the film industry sustainable? What are the main tasks to be undertaken to make the industry more sustainable? How can the film industry achieve them? We asked several renowned German actors who are heavily involved in this change. Their ideas inspire us and tell us about a better future.


Videos & Words:
© Luxiders Magazine

Image Highlight:
© Sascha Radke x Green Actors Lounge