The Influence Of Mindfulness In Shopping Behaviour



The ancient practice of mindfulness has been used for thousands of years. The practice of Dhyāna or Jhāna is referenced as the training of the mind, and appears in some of the oldest written records from around 1500 BCE in India. This often translates as meditation. In this article we will explore the the concept of mindfulness, specifically its correlation with how it can change consumer behaviour shifting it towards a more sustainable and ethical consumption of fashion.


“Live the actual moment. Only this actual moment is life.”
– Thích Nhất Hạnh, Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life

We live in a society where the issue of overconsumption is becoming increasingly significant. Impulsive shopping buying decisions have become a normality and are contributing to the destruction of our planet. According to a study by the guardian, the average lifespan of an average clothing garment in the UK is 2.2 years.



Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present- in the here and now- aware of our surroundings, noises around us and current activities, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. Mindfulness is comparable to training your body and working out- if you keep on practicing with strong commitment and consistency, you will eventually see results and realise a big difference in your overall mental wellbeing, by breaking established routines leading to an adaptation or change in direction of more sustainable consumption patterns. It can be learned, practiced and cultivated through various techniques and it can be practiced from everywhere.

Mindful breathing

Breathing grounds, us and brings us back to our centre. It is one of the first exercises suggested by mindfulness experts and is immediately making you feel calmer and more connected to yourself.

“Mindful breathing can give you a greater sense of control; increased self-awareness; a greater sense of calm, peace, and happiness; and greater resilience in stressful times.”

Becoming aware of your body

Oftentimes we are not aware enough of what is going on with our bodies and how it feels in the present moment. Tensions in our shoulders and back have become a normality and part of our everyday lifes without addressing the problem in a proper way. Body scans, an important mindfulness practice, bring you back to the sensations in your body and increase the ability to be aware of areas where you hold tensions, stress and anxieties.

The world’s population is growing exponentially and with it the damage that is caused to our planet. Natural resources are being deployed at a faster rate than ever before. This man-made construct of environmental damage goes hand-in-hand with human injustice.

The positive effects of mindfulness are incredibly powerful and able to transform our state of mind, changing our daily routines and directing healthier habits, calmness and ease within ourselves. Studies show that mindfulness practice can direct consumers towards making more sustainable fashion choices because of an increased awareness of yourself leads to a greater perception during buying decision behavior. One of the main concepts that mindfulness practice tackles, is an increased self-awareness and perception of what is happening around you. Practicing mindfulness automatically makes you more aware of the product you are about to buy activating a more mindful decision-making process.

“Buy less- choose well- make it last.” This concept is strictly related to mindfulness practice, as at its core lies the belief of doing something good for yourself and the planet.


“The Future depends on what we do in the present.” – Mahatma Gandhi



+  Words: Sofia Sovera, Luxiders Magazine Editor