The Right Way to Detox

Feeling sluggish after a few too many overindulgences? Like many people at this time of year, you may have decided it’s time for a detox. The good news is, the best way to detox does not involve starving yourself or limiting your intake to liquids. Unlike the drastic diets that may spring to mind when you think of detoxing, the most effective way to detox is not to restrict your body of nourishment.

Your body requires a healthy and balanced diet to carry out its natural detoxifying processes. Thanks to the action of your liver, intestines, kidneys, lungs, skin and lymphatic system, your body is able to eliminate toxins and cleanse itself. To promote the function of these organs and systems, all you have to do is make sure you aren’t overloading them with toxins and are providing them with the fuel they need to operate effectively. As well as this, a balance of exercise and adequate sleep will give your body’s natural filters a boost and decrease the accumulation of toxins in your body.

Eat to Heal

Cutting out processed food high in salt, sugar and oil is the first step to preventing further toxin build up. Plant-based wholefoods are anti-inflammatory while processed foods and animal products are believed to increase inflammation in the body and result in health problems such as bloating, fatigue and even disease. Eating an abundance of nutrient-rich wholefoods such as fruits, vegetables, beans, wholegrains, nuts and seeds will keep your body’s detoxifying systems running as well as stop you from going hungry. Citrus fruits and berries are high in antioxidants, fibre and vitamins such as vitamin C. Fibre aids digestion, a critical component of eliminating toxins, while vitamin C helps your body digest toxic material. Beetroots and acai berries are also good sources of antioxidants, which are essential for eradicating free radicals. Free radicals are produced as a by-product of cellular reactions and are also generated by air pollutants, pesticides, fried foods, cooked and processed meats and alcohol. The build up of free radicals is associated with a variety of diseases, so preventing their accumulation is crucial.

Your liver is your main organ of detoxification. It prepares toxins for removal from the body through urine and bile. Dandelion greens aids the flow of bile while celery aids the flow of urine. Citrus fruits also promote the function of your liver by triggering the production of liver-specific enzymes. Drinking a glass of water with fresh lemon squeezed in is an easy way reap the benefits of citrus while hydrating, another essential element of detoxification.

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Staying hydrated supports the function of your body’s organs and systems. Maintaining your fluid levels aids digestion, helps your kidneys flush out toxins and allows you to naturally remove water-soluble toxins through your urine. While moderate alcohol consumption is believed to have health benefits, excess consumption causes the build-up of toxic by-products which compromises the function of your liver and causes inflammation. Therefore, when detoxing and particularly after a period of excess alcohol consumption, it is best to avoid alcohol. Lemon water and tea are especially beneficial for detoxification purposes. Dandelion and milk thistle tea are believed to boost enhance liver function while green tea boosts your metabolism and may protect against certain diseases.


Elevating your heart rate boosts your body’s circulation. The resulting increased blood flow supports your vital organs, including those responsible for detoxification. On a molecular level, exercise promotes the expression of genes that are involved in the body’s natural detoxification pathways. So, not only does exercise keep you fit and make you feel good, it also helps to cleanse your body. Intense exercise even enables you to expel toxins from your lungs and skin as you breathe and sweat. You can replicate this effect by spending some time in a sauna or steam room.

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Get Quality Sleep

You should focus on getting 7 to 9 hours of good quality sleep every night. When you sleep, your body focuses on the removal of toxins so that you can begin the next day in peak condition. Your brain’s glymphatic system, which works to remove the build-up of toxic products in your brain, is significantly more active while you sleep. Therefore, for optimum brain function and to prevent the onset of neurodegenerative diseases, you need to prioritise your bedtime. Not only will rest allow you to detoxify properly, it will reduce stress and inflammation in your body, making sure it can work effectively to keep you healthy and energised.

+ words: Yasmin Razzaque