Alejandra Espinosa

Pawel althamer, Althamer, social art, art exhibition, galleria foksal, sculpture, interview, artist, social artist, Guggenheim, sculpture portraits, portraits, collective art, Academy of Fine Arts, everyday impression

Las esculturas de Paweł Althamer | Un enfoque social del arte

Ausstellungen, Hermes, Adidas, back to nature, fashion for good, Materia Gris, GROW, Bit.Bio.Bot, CentroCentro, centro centro Madrid, biotechnology in fashion and design, biotechnology, bio manufacturing, biodesign, circular economies, bio design, la Fabrique du vivant, designing the living, mutations creations, centre du Pompidou, Pompidou, Mycelium Project, code the world, Alexandra Ginsberg, Christina Agapakis Resurrecting the Sublime, olfactory installation, broken nature, trienniale di Milano, Eric Klarenbeek, Alex goad, Serpentine Galleries, back to earth, exhibitions, Westwood, switch campaign, Westwood campaign, Elisava Materials Narratives, materials narratives, Iris Van Herpen, Daan Roosegaarde, BOTTER, Rushemy Botter, Lisi Herrebrugh, Rinke Tjepkema, orange fibre, orange silk, organic textiles, bioengineered textiles, EcoLogicStudio, biobombola, algae, algae installation, Violaine Buet, Venice Architecture Biennale, Biennale di Venezia, Claudia Pasquero, reimagining the future, bioengineering, cultural events, art exhibition, design exhibition, life, matter, restorative design, living technologies, sustainable design, circular design, negative carbon footprint

Exposiciones que exploran las nociones de ‘vida’ y ‘materia’

Loewe, Loewe Foundation, fashion news, news, green news, David Corvalán, Takayuki Sakiyama, craft prize, Fanglu Lin, she, she sculpture, craftsmanship, artisanship, fashion award, textile artist, craftsmanship award, award, traditional weaving, traditional textile skills, textile sculpture, Yunnan, bai minority, contemporary craft, contemporary arts, Musée des Arts Decoratif, great hall, 3d exhibition, Jonathan Anderson, JW Anderson, online gallery

La instalación mural textil de Fanglu Lin gana el quinto premio de artesanía de Loewe

vertikale farmen, Vertical farms, planet city, Liam Young, sci-arc, short film, sustainable food system, food system, artificial environment, eco friendly solution, architecture, agriculture, sustainable agriculture, farming, sustainable farming, healthy food supply, food supply, local food, food, tech food, Nordic Danish, re wild, crop cultivation, vertical forest, YesHealth Group, LED lighting, microbial fertilisers, hydroponic system, journal science, planting, crops internal clock, self sufficient, self sustained, circular city, greens, micro greens, soil, harvest

Las granjas verticales reimaginan los sistemas alimentarios sostenibles

Alanis Morissette, aurora, Björk, Caribou, Earth Day, earth day 2021, environmental pact, femme, Gazelle Twin, Georgia, international earth day, jamie xx, Kelly lee Owens, maroon 5, Moby, Music declares emergency, music during the pandemic, music industry, music news, musicians for the planet, Nitin Sawhney, Paul McCartney, PETA, planet, playlist, REVERB, Shabaka Hutchings, slow dive, Suva of earth, the humane society, Thom Yorke

Músicos por la Tierra, música para el pueblo | Playlist

Cookbook, fashion cookbook, fashion recipe, sustainable fashion, female leaders, adiff, New York label, black lives matter, Christopher Raeburn, Assembly, Chromat, Loulwa Al Saad, Angela Luna, sustainable lifestyle, interview, sustainable leaders, female brand, female empowerment, sustainable future, DIY, upcycling, upcycled fashion

Libro de cocina de moda de acceso libre: Prendas para montar en casa

Aromatherapy, essential oils, wellness, stress-relief, herbal medication, lavender oil, lemon oil, peppermint oil, wellbeing beauty, mood-booster fragrance, concentrated plant, benefits of essential oils, how to use essential oils, essential oils safe, diffuser, body oil, oil inhaler, aroma stick

Los beneficios de los aceites esenciales en tu bienestar

Falsche Wimpern

Pestañas falsas: Una decisión entre la crueldad animal y la contaminación por microplásticos

Alexander McQueen, Alexander McQueen and Vestiaire Collective, Alexander McQueen and Vestiaire Collective announced a collaboration, Alexander McQueen Vestiaire Collective collaboration, Brand Approved, breaking news, collaboration, fashion news, innovative technology, luxury fashion, news on sustainable fashion, pre owned, rent alexander mcqueen, rent fashion, second hand luxury resale, sustainability news, sustainable fashion, technology, Vestiaire Collective

Alexander McQueen y Balenciaga adoptan la política de no usar pelos

Ukrainian fashion week, dzhus, sustainable fashion, Ukrainian designer, avant garde, avant garden design, high fashion, aw21, ss21, progressive fashion, functional fashion, interview, utilitarian design, made to order, ethical materials, ethical clothing, innovative design, sustainable designer

Las piezas de DZHUS viven su propia vida, su propia metamorfosis

Soil health, the poetic of soil health, food for garden, soil food, contributions of soil, human health, cookbook, recipes, soil recipe, arina shokouhi, cms, central saint martins, human and nature, pesticides, organic compost, composting at home, soil fertility, food, healthy food, organic food, masters program, microorganisms, soil nutrition, nutrition, human nutrition

La poética de la salud del suelo | Recetas para alimentar tu jardín

Photographer, interview, podcaster, Naomi Woddis, storyteller, poetry, poet, poem, visual poetry, contemporary poetry, diary, personal entry, arts and health hub, reel rebels radio, mental health, chronic invisible illness, chronic illness, emotional resonance, poetry mosaic, Rogier Robinson, Luxiders issue 5, Luxiders

Naomi Woddis habla de poesía, fotografía y enfermedades crónicas

Paraben free, parabens, clean beauty, free from parabens, green beaver, oestrogen, breast cancer development, antimicrobial, cosmetics, cosmetic industry, beauty, Greg Black, Clean Beauty Collective, dilemma of parabens

¿Realmente debes optar por no usar parabenos?


London Fashion Week AW21 | Nostalgia, Sobriedad, Escapismo & Sostenibilidad


Campaña de Vivienne Westwood: «CAMBIO» a la energía verde

Elate cosmetics, anxiology, aether beauty, Tata Harper, unwrapped life, Unilever, dove, environment programme, clean beauty, sustainable packaging, sustainable beauty, sustainable beauty packaging, disposal labels, upcycled wrapping, indie beauty brands, sustainable beauty brands, organic care, natural skin care

El dilema de los envases sostenibles en productos de belleza

belleza, etiquetas de belleza, belleza limpia, eco-friendly, orgánico, libre de crueldad, no tóxico, natural, vegano, productos veganos, marcas ecológicas, marcas de prestigio, productos de belleza,

¿Qué significan realmente los términos de belleza limpia?

Alva Claire, Elizabeth Bloomfield-Dear, moda, moda sustentable, feminismo, feminismo en la moda sostenible, Gabriella Hearst, Iris Van Herpen, Savage x Fenty, Stella McCartney, SS21, Victoria's Secret, empoderamiento femenino, Mara Hoffman, ropa sostenible, marketing sostenible, Mother of Pearl, Women's Fashion Week, Rihanna marca de ropa, Paloma Elsesser, Precious Lee, Livia Firth, Versace, lujo sostenible, moda de lujo

El feminismo en la moda sostenible
